Learning Ideas - Story Playground


Learning with Story Playground

  • Story Playground is the perfect learning tool. This fun product combines visual and audio learning for the best retention.
  • "I wrote a story once about the days of the week - that would be fun to put in Story Playground." - submitted by Ladonna G.
  • Use Story Playground to record anything you want memorized. Poems, multiplication tables, anything can be put into a book on Story Playground.
  • Help your child learn their ABC's and phonics by creating a book with each page featuring a different letter and it's sound. Personalize the book for your child with pictures of them and letting them say the sounds.
  • "My book would be about a tractor that left it's country home and went to the big city. It'll explore the grocery store and talk about where our food comes from. I think of a good children's book as one that teaches as well as entertains." -Submitted by Billy Jo
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