Journal Ideas - Story Playground


Journaling with Story Playground

  • Write a personal history including stories about your life.
  • How about a book featuring your likes and dislikes (seasons, colors, food, places, etc).
  • Share 20 Interesting Facts about You.
  • Write a story about a lesson learned when you were a kid.
  • Share some funny stories or embarrassing moments.
  • Your Love Story - how you met your significant other.
  • Make a story to share memories of family - brothers and sisters - how are you alike? different?
  • Write a story about someone you miss. What are some of your memories about that person?
  • What is something you were afraid of growing up? Write a story.
  • Share a story about something difficult you had to do.
  • How about a story on your first date/car/pet/job/day of school.
  • Your day in sound and pictures - record and share the sounds of your day (alarm clock ringing would be a fun book start)
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