Family History Ideas - Story Playground

Family History Books

Ideas for Family History Stories:

  • Feature a family member - it is especially fun to learn about the life of a relative you have never met.
  • Share some stories about several of your ancestors with a common theme:
    • How each couple met - their love stories
    • Jobs or interests - how neat to find out that a grandparent had hopes and dreams
    • Where they lived and what was happening in history at that time or what life was like then
      (The children would be fascinated to learn that their Great Grandmother had taken turns cranking a phonograph when she was young to provide music for their home).
  • Things I learned from my Dad/Mom/Grandma/Grandpa...
  • Family History Game - "I am thinking about separate books on certain ancestors, such as grandparents. We have some photos and stories that would be very interesting. The stories or interesting facts about them could be told or illustrated bit by bit to see how many pages it takes the reader to guess who the ancestor is." -submitted by Ross G.
  • Create a family recipe book. Those recipes passed down through generations are perfect candidates for this book.
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