Baby Book Ideas - Story Playground

Baby Books

Baby Book Ideas using StoryPlayground

  • Send a StoryPlayground book to friends and family to announce that you are expecting a new little bundle of joy.
  • Baby Announcement - Share pictures, baby's first cry, new baby sounds, and your birth experience with loved ones after the birth of your sweet baby. Share fun stories like how you chose the baby's name.
  • Keepsake - keep track your child's 'firsts' and record their adorable voices for the future by making a baby book with Storyplayground. Those delightful infant laughs can be enjoyed for years to come.
  • Story from Baby's point of view - "I've Been writing a diary of Ariadne's life, from her perspective. It's been kind of fun to imagine what thoughts are going on in her head, and putting them to paper. I've already started accumulating my 'stuff' for her diary. I've started writing the diary, and have pictures AND sounds that go along with the entries. You couldn't do that in a normal photo book." - submitted by Christina M.
  • Create a baby dictionary book to translate your baby's talk. ("aldoo"= "all done") Your kids will love listening to and reading about when they were a baby.
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