Kids Ideas - Story Playground

All About Kids

All About Kids with Story Playground

  • Quotables - remember forever those cute sayings and funny stories about your kids growing up by preserving them in a Story Playground book. You can even have your kids say their cute quotes using the audio recorder. They will listen to those stories over and over again.
  • Create a story starring your child as the super hero/princess/pirate/whatever they are interested in.
  • "How about a recipe book by children? You could have favorite recipes illustrated and read out loud by your little ones or audio reviews of the recipes." Kid recipes = nerd salad. -submitted by Becky P.
  • Adventure Story - "I would like to do a story for my boys, kind of like an Adam and Aaron adventure story so that I can have a record of their happy squealy/laughing sounds, and the cute way Adam says things. Mommy and/or Daddy would narrate the story. That way they can also hear what they sounded like when they were toddlers/babies. Plus they are already such good buddies, I want to be able to show them that their friendship started very early on an that they can continue their adventures together. And it would be an awesome gift for the grandparetns, their grandma leaves their babblings on her answering machine until the machine is full and she finally has to delete them, so this way she can hold on to them for much longer." -Submitted by Veralyn J.
  • Display your child's artwork - scan those favorite pieces of art or take pictures of the bulky creations. Let your child narrate what the art piece means to them or how they got their inspiration. Story Playground is the perfect way to save your child's beautiful art without taking up lots of storage space.
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