About Us - Story Playground

About Story Playground

Now you can read a goodnight story to all of your grandchildren – every night

Your six grandchildren live in three different states. Every night they snuggle into bed, excited to fall asleep listening to your stories – told in your voice and coupled with family pictures – from camping last summer, to Uncle Mike's crazy adventures growing up, to the story about the day they were born.

Story Playground, created by software development company Dragon Playground, LLC, makes it simple to create and share your family's unique stories. All you need is your memory, some pictures, and the internet.

The creators, Steven Hansen and Adam Gedeborg, are experienced programmers with families. Years ago, they recorded Grandpa Peterson telling stories to a grandchild. Now, his great-grandchildren can listen to the same stories as though he were telling them today. His captured voice is as animated and vibrant as it was then.

"This was an important part of my childhood and I want to share it with my seven children – and someday with their children." Steven explains. "I want them to know my voice and my stories too. They also love creating their own stories and listening to their own voice." His family creates books for grandparents with funny things his children say – in their own voices. Guess what he's giving for Mother's Day!

Creating a "virtual" book is free. Make as many changes as you want. When you are perfectly happy with your book, you purchase virtual copies to share with your family and friends. Costs are minimal. A standard 20-page book is less than $15 for 15 copies – share with everyone! Stories are available online the moment they are "shared".

Dragon Playground, LLC, is an Idaho based software company promoting creativity and imagination for all ages. Start creating your virtual stories today.

About Us

God - All our success comes from God. We owe Him everything and we want to put Him first in both our lives, and our business. This site does not evangelize, and we know that everyone enjoys stories regardless of their religion, but we want to acknowledge His help in making Story Playground great!

Steven Hansen has over 10 years of experience as a graphics/games/3D programmer, and absolutely loves it! When not combining the arcane arts of physics, math, and computer code to create fantastical worlds of wonder, he enjoys composing music, playing raquetball, writing short fiction, playing computer/console games, running a tabletop fantasy RPG game, making gourmet chocolates, and spending time with his wife and seven children.

Adam Gedeborg has had many years of development experience working with software, databases, and web applications. He has created or helped in the creation and maintainance of many websites. In high school he won in several international website competitions. Website creation is a passion, almost as much as playing the piano and improvising songs. He is married, with two children.

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