How to Purchase a Book with Dragon Gold - Story Playground

How to Purchase a Book with Dragon Gold

There are two ways to reach the location to purchase a book.

If you are in the middle of editing your book, you can click the Pricing Tab, which will show an approximate amount of cost in US Dollars.

At this point, you can click the Purchase button, which will take you to the book purchasing area.

Alternatively, if you click Create, then select the book you want to purchase, you can then click Purchase, which will take you to the book purchasing area for that book.

Here you can decide how many gift copies to purchase, then click Purchase.

You will see a summary of the purchase, with the option to Purchase.

Click this button, and after the transaction has completed, the amount of Dragon Gold will be deducted from your account, and we will show a confirmation as well as send you an email confirmation.

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